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Dogs lifestyle thoughts and dreams

What I’ve learned

January 14, 2021

So I turn 25 in about a week, and it feels like it was so recently my 24th birthday. Where did this year go?  I don’t feel that I really accomplished as much as I did in previous years, but I did get to spend a LOT of time with the hounds and the family, which is precious. And, I had a lot more time to think, and reflect, on well, just about everything. Continue Reading

Dogs Holland

The Bru Diaries- Late Fall

November 21, 2020

Hello, I’m back again, with the second Fall update. November so far has been quite mild, and actually pretty dry, with some sunny days that Prune and Suzi have enjoyed, as well as giving me the chance to keep up with the raking! (But I will be happy once the trees are bare so that job is over)! Continue Reading


To Suzi

May 16, 2020

Prune gave us all a scare last weekend. She stopped eating, even eggs, which meant something serious. She had a traumatic couple of days in and out of the vets; blood-tests, scans, injections, gross medicines. If we were distraught, little Suzi was worse. She struggled without her big sister, and knew straight away that Pruney wasn’t alright. When Prune came home in the evening, Suzi rushed to her side, put her paw on her, and spent the night and next day next to her. That’s Suzi for you. One hundred percent selfless and loyal.  Continue Reading

Dogs Holland lifestyle

The Bru Diaries- Early Spring

March 20, 2020

Right now, less is more when it comes to travel. Luckily, Bruinisse and Zeeland in general is a pretty place to call home, and of course, with Prune and Suzi, there is never a dull moment. So I thought I’d share some photos and what we’ve been up to (since staying around home was my plan, anyway)… Continue Reading