Welcome to laylakuijper.com
Here you’ll find a collection of my life experiences and interests so far, which include travel, art, yoga, food, random musings and the two biggest rays of sunshine in my life; Prune and Suzi.
This started as a travel blog. One of my biggest passions in life has always been exploring, visiting new places, experiencing new cultures. I’ve talked about the places I’ve visited, added some tips, and some humour. But this space soon became more than that. Somewhere I could share my love of yoga, art, a beautiful summer day, blossom in Spring, a pancake recipe I discovered. So basically, this is a snapshot of my life, ever evolving and changing. This space is important to me, and I hope there’ll be something here that interests you too.
And me? I’m a true child of the world, with very itchy feet and a passion for exploring. I’ve lived in three continents, visited 44 countries, and have been travelling since I was barely a few weeks old. I love road trips , the ocean, long countryside runs… and most of all, Prune and Suzi, my field labradors. I also love writing and hopefully, inspiring YOU to get out there and explore.
Enjoy the site, and thanks for stopping by.
Layla xx
You can follow me on instagram: @laylakuijper
A shout out to my very talented sister Maya, for many of the photos on the site (the most beautiful ones). She writes over at Nutmeg and Pear and her talent (for baking, photography and writing) will blow you away xx